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SPOLANA s.r.o. is the only manufacturer of PVC and caprolactam in the Czech Republic. The company also supplies the market with high-quality industrial fertiliser based on ammonium sulphate and other chemical products. The technological procedures employed in petrochemical production are accompanied by emissions of harmful substances, the quantity of which is, however, strictly compliant with the integrated permit awarded to SPOLANA s.r.o. by the Regional Authority of the Central Bohemia Region under official procedure. 

SPOLANA s.r.o. also complies with its mandatory obligations by regularly reporting the quantity of harmful substances emitted in the Integrated Pollution Register (IRZ), which is organised and administered by the Ministry of the Environment as a public authority public information system. IRZ is run by CENIA, the Czech Environmental Information Agency. All indicators reported in IRZ are compliant with the limits imposed on SPOLANA s.r.o. by the integrated permit issued.

One priority at SPOLANA s.r.o., and at its owner - the ORLEN Unipetrol Group - is to minimise the impacts of its activities on the environment. One example of this is current investment in new equipment at a cost of hundreds of millions of koruna, equipment which will limit emissions of corporate energy: the construction of new power boilers and the transition from coal to natural gas. The operation of amalgam electrolysis, in which mercury was used, came to an end on 30.11.2017.  Preparatory work is currently ongoing prior to the main remediation work. The emission of carcinogenic substances increased year-on-year by 0.6 tons, a result of the higher frequency of technology crossovers. Overall, however, the company succeeded in reducing the values of all emitted substances year-on-year by 5.8 % in the year past.

Company management at SPOLANA s.r.o. is also aware of the importance of transparent and open communication with the public, public representatives and interest groups from the towns and villages in the surroundings of the production plant. For this reason Spolana has long worked with organisations such as Kralupy Environmental Centre, the non-profit, non-governmental organisation ALKA Wildlife, which concentrates on providing care and protection to wildlife, the regional branch of the Czech Anglers’ Union in Neratovice, and the regional branch of the Czech Association of Beekeepers in Libiš.

SPOLANA s.r.o production enterprise has also signed up for the voluntary Responsible Care programme - Responsible Business in the Chemical Industry, and is a member of the Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development (Czech BCSD). The enterprise has an environmental management system (EMS) in place in line with EN ISO 14001:2004 standard. EMS certificate here.​​​​​​​​​​​

